hopefully we will be in sunny Mexico, assuming no flight delays, Qantas strikes or any other natural or manufactured disasters. How nice it will be to have the sun's warmth, particularly after this bleak, cold winter. And after 3 cold and flu episodes, I have had enough. Bring on the heat!
Bags are not packed, nowhere near, but plans have been made, though plenty of scope for spontaneity, adventure and come-what-may. We have booked into all the necessary, particularly hotels in many places which are high demand due to northern hemisphere summer, but equally we have free nights and days to seek out some gems or dives.
After nearly 25 years of good Mexican food drought (almost impossible to find in Australia don't care what anyone says), I plan to stuff my face. I also get to use my rusty old Spanish, which I suspect will be more like Spanglish with a touch of charades, but hell am dying to use it. Have done a little verb study, particularly all the irregulars, so lets hope I get some things right and don't end up in agua caliente (hot water). Much of my old travel espanol is obsolete such as "Quisiera un cenicero por favor" (I would like an ashtray please). I also remember all the words for matches (cerrillos/fosforos), of course cerveza and all the brands - I obviously did a lot of drinking and smoking in Mexico 20 plus years ago. Gone now is the smoking, but drinking - lo siento, me gusta mucho (I'm sorry - I like it). As for going to a restaurant, can't wait to use "La cuenta por favor", something I say all the time still, though no one ever understands (The bill please). Small things amuse small minds, you know!
I hope you will join Rob and I on our adventures in the Yucatan (Mexico) and the south west USA. Let's hope there will be lots of interesting bits and pieces - beaches, ruinas mexicanas, muchas cervezas y margaritas. In the US, lots of IN-N-OUT burgers, Taco Bell, fast and slow food - actually I'll keep count of how many meals we eat without knives and forks, Route 66 - old signs, motels, and neon, Indians - of the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni kind, canyons, natural and unnatural wonders, Mad Men, swimming pools, movie stars and lots more. I hope my posts will be amusing and interesting, and look forward to some comments and interaction from you. Hasta el viernes proximo (until next Friday)..................VIVA!
Have a great trip guys, can't wait to keep updated on your blog - great idea!!! Have fun seeya when you get back!! - Suz xx